Insights and tools to move you forward
Reading is Leading
Reading is LeadingT he closest thing to a silver bullet for growing and developing as a leader? A commitment to reading. A reading habit is often a defining characteristic of our greatest leaders and can deepen problem solving skills, innovation, emotional...
Love the Ones You’re With
Love the ones you're with When we take time to reflect on the people and things we are grateful for — our families, our children, our pets, our health, our freedom — did your coworkers and board members make your list? “Employees who felt they worked in a loving,...
Asked Any Good Questions Lately?
Asked any good questions lately? Has anyone ever asked you a question that made you change the way you saw a situation, or even yourself? Beautiful questions have the power to transform. Research shows that questioning peaks at age 4-5 and steadily drops off, so that...
Find More Joy in Your Job Today
Find More Joy in Your Job Today What’s my go-to question to quickly assess how well fundraising is going at an organization: do staff like coming to work here? It might seem like a weird question related to fundraising -- but how staff respond to that question, tells...
8 Steps that Move People from Prospect to Loyal Donor
8 Steps that Move People from Prospect to Loyal Donor It’s often said that fundraising is about building relationships. And that's true. But fundraising is about building a certain kind of relationship. Fundraising relationships are purposeful. They are relationships...
Losing Control
Losing Control There’s nothing like having two young kids to teach you that you can’t control much. And what’s true in parenting is also true in leading of any kind. Leadership isn’t about control, it’s about influence. Just like I wish I could control my kids and get...
Your Habits, Your Life
Your Habits, Your Life Did you know that we repeat about 40% of our behavior almost daily? So if we are truly creatures of habit, doesn’t it make sense for us to pick those habits carefully? As Gretchen Rubin says, “Habits are the invisible architecture of daily life....
How to Get More Done
How to Get More Done If there is one aspect of work that I have found consistently challenging, for myself and my clients, it is the ability to focus one’s time and energy. With endless emails, meetings, articles, reports, best practices and good ideas coming from...
Who Are You Becoming?
Who are you becoming? If we are going to grow in our careers, if we are going to keep learning, if we are going to do new things we don’t fully know how to do quite yet, we are going to have to spend time in that (often) uncomfortable space of becoming. Career...
Are You Making Time to Talk?
Are You Making Time to Talk? The neverending inbox. Incoming text messages. Apple Watch tapping at us. Meeting after meeting after meeting. The neverending cooking, cleaning, laundry, kids, parents, friends, pets, gifts, bills, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter....
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