Insights and tools to move you forward
The 11 Questions All Donors Want to Ask
The 11 Questions All Donors Want to AskSo often as fundraisers, we focus on the questions we want to ask donors. Would you consider making a transformative gift to our campaign? How did you first get involved with our organization? What about our work inspires you?...
Empathy is the Heart of Fundraising
Empathy is the Heart of FundraisingT oday’s fundraiser has more technology, systems and data than ever before to support them. Countless online resources, trainings, and consultants exist to teach fundraisers how to create and execute every aspect of fundraising from...
Are your money beliefs sabotaging your fundraising success?
Are Your Money Beliefs Sabotaging Your Fundraising Success?What if you can’t teach people to fundraise by teaching them how to fundraise? What if learning the how-tos, the what-to-dos, and the why-to-dos of fundraising isn’t enough? What if after all that, people...
More Joy, Less Crazy: Simple Strategies for Busy Fundraisers
More Joy, Less Crazy: Simple Strategies for Busy FundraisersThe other day, I opened up my email and found a vulnerable and honest note from a veteran fundraiser I’ve coached over the years. This is a small excerpt from a real email: “I hit the ground running at 6am...
7 Negotiation Techniques for Better Fundraising
7 Negotiation Techniques for Better FundraisingWhat can master negotiators teach you about how to be a better fundraiser? Turns out a lot. All great fundraisers are great negotiators – even if they don’t think of themselves like that. Getting to a yes from a donor...
Find More Joy in Your Job Today
Find More Joy in Your Job Today What’s my go-to question to quickly assess how well fundraising is going at an organization: do staff like coming to work here? It might seem like a weird question related to fundraising -- but how staff respond to that question, tells...
8 Steps that Move People from Prospect to Loyal Donor
8 Steps that Move People from Prospect to Loyal Donor It’s often said that fundraising is about building relationships. And that's true. But fundraising is about building a certain kind of relationship. Fundraising relationships are purposeful. They are relationships...
Are You Making Time to Talk?
Are You Making Time to Talk? The neverending inbox. Incoming text messages. Apple Watch tapping at us. Meeting after meeting after meeting. The neverending cooking, cleaning, laundry, kids, parents, friends, pets, gifts, bills, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter....
Cultivate Your Curiosity
Cultivate Your Curiosity The notion that great leadership and innovation is rooted in curiosity isn’t new. After all, it was Socrates that said, “Wisdom begins in wonder.” But as a management tool, I don’t think curiosity gets the respect it deserves. Especially in...
15 Wishes for You
15 Wishes for You You are much more than a fundraiser, a board member, a nonprofit leader. You are a role model and an inspiration. Despite all that is going wrong in our world, people like you are fighting to make things better. You prove that good people will...
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